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Tenant Link Reviews

Posted by Office London road on 09/08/2024

Tenant Link Reviews: What Our Clients Are Saying

Another thing that makes the selection of a property management company or agency a little tricky is that recommendations or references in the form of customer feedback in the form of testimonials are always the clincher. Here at Tenant Link, we consider ourselves very lucky to be able to help both the landlords and the tenants. Below are the views of some of the clients that have sought our help.

Why Tenant Reviews Matter

It addresses how in the contemporary world, the word and situations of others are emphasized. Without being able to read the reviews both the landlord or the tenant have to trust their lives with someone they have never met before thus, reviews create trust. Managers receive them to get a feel of what to expect regarding the kind of services to be offered. For more insights into the importance of tenant reviews, you can explore platforms like Trustpilot, where businesses are reviewed by their clients.

Client Testimonials

Landlord Experiences

John D., Southampton “Tenant Link has been handling my properties for more than five years now and I can say that they have delivered exceptional service from screening of tenants, managing my properties among others.”

Sarah P., Bournemouth “First time using the service/ I was a first-time landlord and quite nervous about the whole process. The team at Tenant Link was friendly and efficient in explaining each step of the process to me making the rental process very easy and stress-free. More so, they are easily accessible and always ensure I am in the loop on the status of my property.”

Tenant Experiences

Emma L., Portsmouth “Though looking for a rental home can be tiresome, Tenant Link helped me through it fabulous and in a very short time span with a hardworking and friendly staff, clear procedures and I got a cozy home.”

Mark R., Southampton “I was facing a heating problem in my flat and Tenant Link solved it in a day now that is what I can call responsiveness and commitment to the tenants.”

The Tenant Link Difference

The potential investors are thus asking themselves the following question: What is unique about Tenant Link from all the other property management companies? Here are a few key aspects:

  • Personalized Service: Every property and our client is special to us and gets the special accommodation to their specific requirements.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Its proactive approach to property maintenance makes tenants pleased with their premises as well as the properties in good standing.
  • Transparent Communication: For instance, we engage the landlords and tenants in a transparent manner, and ensure they understand all the procedures.

Selecting a Property Management Company

When evaluating property management companies, consider these factors:

  • Reputation and Reviews: One can read the online reviews for information, and recommendations should be made to people who have hired the service before. Explore our Reviews to see what other clients have to say.
  • Services Offered: Make sure they provide the services you require such as the screening of the tenants and repair services. Learn more about the services we offer at Tenant Link.
  • Cost: Get to know the relating fees they charge but ensure that the charges are within your bearing.


It is at this point that Tenant Link recognizes the trust that clients place in us as a firm. The fact that people are friendly and satisfied with the services provided implies a readiness to serve. Whichever side of the fence you are on; landlord or tenant, our goal is to make sure our service goes beyond your expectation. Are you prepared to see what happens when you are assisted by Tenant Link? Please feel free to contact us for more information on the services we offer.

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