Please use the report maintenance button to report any non-emergency maintenance that is required at your property.
Out of hours emergency
If you have a true emergency and are a managed tenant when our office is closed and have an issue that cannot be resolved during our office opening hours. Use the links below:
I am Locked Out
I have a Water Leak
I have no Electric
My Boiler has stopped working
My carbon monoxide alarm has triggered
What to do in an emergency
An emergency is something that could not have been foreseen, and which could cause serious damage to the property. For example:
- Severe leaks
- If you smell gas or detect a gas leak call the National Gas Emergency service on 0800 111 999
- Loss of electrical power or light
- Blockage of your only toilet
- Loss of heating or hot water
- Broken windows or doors following a break-in
If your landlord is on a tenant find or rent collection contract with us, please contact your landlord to arrange repairs of your property.
If your landlord is on a fully managed contract and you pay your rent to Tenant Link,
please contact (023)8036 6555 and follow the instructions on the answer machine